Thursday, October 20, 2005

10/19/05 EastEnders Fans gather for Civvy Street screening at WLIW's NYC studios

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At our suggestion, WLIW offered this screening as a pledge premium event during their August pledge night, and it was a sell-out! Fans packed WLIW's Manhattan studio to watch this terrific EastEnders prequel which was first broadcast in the UK in 1988, but never broadcast here in the US.

"Lou Beale" worrying about a war time Christmas at special WLIW showing of BBC's "Civvy Street"

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How fabulous was it to watch EastEnders on a big movie screen?? Lots!

Every EastEnders fan should have the opportunity, at least once, to watch the show on a movie screen and with a large group of fans. It is truly an event!

WLIW's Laura Savini Congratulates EastEnders Fans For Support

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This was the first event WLIW held since fans organized to save EastEnders from cancellation, in January.

As Laura opened the program, she congratulated fans for their tenacity in saving EastEnders and talked about the station's plans for the future. WLIW considers EastEnders fans to be valuable partners, and this bodes well for the future.

We thank WLIW for being open to our suggestions, and for hosting this fun pledge event at their studios!