Saturday, February 19, 2011

EastEnders & WLIW: WE DID IT!!!

The EastEnders fund drive has been a resounding success! We did not just hit our target; We smashed through it.

Tonight, during the four episode Slumber Party Marathon, WLIW will congratulate EastEnders fans for saving the show. Thanks to all those who contributed, EastEnders will keep rockin' on, on WLIW, into 2012.

And how much did we raise? WLIW gave us the goal of $18K, but in just two and a half weeks we fans raised over $35,000! This will cover 2011 and give us a head start on 2012.

**And it is important to note that EastEnders remains on WLIW, not by people 'protesting', (as was erroneously suggested by someone who had nothing at all to do with the drive), but rather by those fans who choose to work with the station. EastEnders fans and PBS are NOT adversaries, we are on the same team.

Congratulations to all fans who contributed to this drive's success!

Watch EastEnders Wednesday nights at 10PM on WLIW/Channel 21 New York.

**To keep up with all things EastEnders, subscribe to my FREE, weekly EastEnders e-newsletter, The E20 Chronicles. To get on the list, just email me at:
E20Launderette at gmail dot com.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Laura Savini Talks About WLIW's Partnership With EastEnders Fans

If you are an EastEnders fan in the New York area, and you have not yet watched this video, please do:

WLIW and EastEnders fans are on the same team: In this two and a half minute video blog, WLIW Vice President Laura Savini discusses how we (fans & the station) are working together to save EastEnders in New York. This is what public broadcasting is all about.

Tuesday, February 01, 2011

Help Save EastEnders on WLIW

URGENT: Save EastEnders on WLIW21

Dear Easties,

WLIW’21s Laura Savini contacted me with some disturbing news for EastEnders fans. The on-air fundraising for EastEnders this year did not raise enough money for WLIW21 to buy another year of the series. We are $18,000 short of what is needed and the new contract must be signed on March 1. Given this shortfall coupled with already tight budgets, the program director cannot justify re-signing.

If we EastEnders fans cannot raise that money by February 28, EastEnders will no longer air on WLIW21. Laura was very clear that this is not any kind of a threat or bluff: It's just an economic reality for the station.

It is actually a testament to the relationship the EastEnders fan community has developed with WLIW21 over the last five years that they did not just cancel the show. Instead, Laura herself called me to let us know that the show is in trouble and is giving us the opportunity to reverse the decision. Please know our loyal viewership and involvement with WLIW21 has been a continual source of pride for the station.

But another reality is this: EastEnders is one of the most expensive shows that WLIW21 purchases, and the programming department simply does not have the funds for it… unless fans support it. And we have to support it every year.

So what can you give to secure another year of EastEnders? We are suggesting pledge levels of $60 and $100 because we need to raise the money quickly. Any pledge amount would help and be gratefully accepted!

There are three ways to donate…

You can pledge on WLIW's website via this link: Click here to donate online

OR- Call 800.767.2121

OR- Send a check made out to 'WLIW/Channel 21', but mail it to me at:

Save EastEnders
c/o D. Gilbert
P.O. Box 1106
Old Chelsea Station
New York, NY 10113

Just as with the drive I organized (in 2005), we will collect the checks and if we do NOT hit the goal, your checks will be returned to you -- if you enclose a self-addressed, stamped envelope.

*Please note that donations made on the website or via the 800# will be added to the general WLIW21 Programming Fund if we do not hit the goal.

If you want to another year of EastEnders on WLIW, the time for you to act is NOW! If you have any questions, please email me any time:
E20Launderette at gmail . com


Debbie Gilbert

***BTW, raising $18,000 should be totally doable for EastEnders: that’s just 300 people pledging $60, or 180 people pledging $100. Together, we can do this!!


Anyone who sends in a check for this drive will be entered to win the Albert Square street sign pictured above. It is a plastic replica of the signs we see on the show (24x8 inches), not available in any stores and is autographed, 'Best Wishes, John Bardon'. He brought it to the station when he came to appear on our pledge night, five years ago, and the EastEnders fan who pledged for it at the time, has generously donated it back for us to use again to help keep EastEnders on the air.