Monday, February 17, 2014


EastEnders on WLIW Alert!: Some of you have asked how our recent WLIW Pledge breaks did, and I have the results: We did not yet hit our goal and again, as in recent years past, WLIW has asked us to partner with them to help raise the balance needed to pay for another year of the BBC licensing fee for EastEnders. The good news is we are more than half way there - and actually, it's also good news that WLIW comes to us every year and wants to partner with us!

 Below is more information as to how you can help us reach our goal, and there are 2 ways you can contribute.

First: WLIW has created a dedicated EastEnders Pledge Page, on their secure website, where you can go contribute ANY amount. And I do mean ANY amount! You can pledge for any of the fun EastEnders gifts there (like the tote bag pictured here) But we know that things may be tough for some and you may not be able to make a larger pledge (for a gift), so on this new dedicated EastEnders Pledge Page there is a "no gift" button (at the top left). When you click on that button you can pledge any amount and it gets credited to EastEnders. Even if it is smaller amounts like $10 or $25, it all adds up - like snowflakes!! We aren't snowed under by one big flake; it is a gazillion tiny flakes that have piled up (and up and up!) So here's a zen-like request: Be a snowflake and help our EastEnders pledges pile up!
Please go to WLIW's EastEnders pledge page here: 

Second: If you prefer, you can do what we have done in the past and send in a check made out to "WLIW21", to my P.O. Box. If you include a SASE (self-addressed, stamped envelope) I will return your check if we don't hit our goal - though we always do hit our goal (knock wood, kine hora, pooh pooh!) and so I always end up using those SASEs to mail you the results and a thank you letter. But if that is the way you feel most comfortable pledging, please do use that option. When the drive is over and we hit our goal, I will turn over the stack of checks to WLIW. The address is below in the EASTENDERS FOREVER section.

'It's like deja vu all over again.' ~Yogi Berra: Who doesn't love Yogi? And who (here, at least) doesn't love EastEnders? When I met with staffers at WLIW after last year's successful drive, they said they thought that this was the most effective way to fund EastEnders; to combine the regular pledge breaks with these drives we organize. It would be nice if we didn't have to do this; if everyone just called in to pledge during the pledge breaks, but we understand that some Easties simply feel more comfortable pledging this way, to one of these special drives. And so here we are again! Hopefully you'll all come through again this year!

***Your pledge, no matter what way you send it, enters you in a drawing to win EastEnders memorabilia autographed by Shane Richie.

As always, if you have any questions about any of this, please just email me here at the Launderette:


Some of you may have already received this postcard (below). If you haven't, here it is:

Dear EastEnders Fan,

As you may know, EastEnders is a series purchased from the BBC by WLIW for
our viewing pleasure.  We Easties are as appreciative of EastEnders as WLIW is of our devoted viewership.  Did you know that the majority of funding for WLIW to purchase programs like EastEnders comes from donor-member-viewers like us?

If you love EE enough to want it to continue, please mail your checks of $60 or $100 or whatever amount is right for you, made out to WLIW21 by April 1st  to:

PO BOX 1106
NY, NY  10113

If you prefer to donate online, go to where you can select an EE thank you gift or pledge your entire contribution to support programming on WLIW.

As always, if you have any questions, please email me. 

Many thanks for your continued support of EastEnders on WLIW.


Debbie Gilbert    

***If you got, or even if you didn't, we hope you will respond again, as so many of you have responded in the past, and pledge either by sending in your check made out to 'WLIW21', or by going to WLIW's secure, dedicated EastEnders Pledge Page:


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